A personal documentation of a formulated ideology

In the past few days, my yearning for the basis and core of all digital technology has led me to read about and watch videos on applications of mathematics. During the same, have come to realize that if you look closely enough, mathematics can be the basis of all ideology and philosophy.

I was, in a way, able to formulate my own by taking a few of these examples and putting them in "perspective".


` I always keep a strong connection between my identity and my actions, i.e. how I am and what I do. Described below are some of the very key features of how I am and will be, with a little mathematical motivation in the background~

1. Be observant and aware: Be very observant and aware of your surroundings and environment. Who you are and what you do impacts others in more ways than you can fathom. Be like Fibonacci or the Jain poet Hemachandra, who observed how nature proliferates at the micro and macro level and discovered that it does so in a very strange, yet deterministic pattern. 

         Be it cell division, plant root growth, or other celestial processes, every stage of each of their growths can be determined by a number in the series we know today as the Fibonacci series.

2. Have a multifaceted perspective set: Have a very clear vision of your objective and the situation that surrounds it. At the same time offer the situation as many perspectives as you can, all obviously coming from very different experiences. Be like Bernhard Riemann, the mathematician who claimed that the difference between two infinities can be equal to a little constant called Pi. Actually, it can be equal to any constant if you will it to be. Different perspectives can get you multiple correct answersfor one problem.

3. Be prudent and rational: Always think about the consequences of your actions and the impact they leave on you and others. That is why always verify and validate everything before you convey it to someone else or use it as an input for another process. This ensures the authenticity and integrity of your character and of the said information.

         Be like a Blockchain. I know that it isnt a core mathematical concept, but again, if you look closely enough, the part of a blockchain network that I am referring to here, is one that has been in place, from since there were mathematicians and their communities. How, you ask? Verification and validation were the two things that mathematicians have always wanted for their ideas and the structure surrounding them. Who verified those ideas you ask? Peers, of course! Consensus has been the only way for an infantile idea to reach maturity and set its stage in this world.`

So, I would say in conclusion, that observation, awareness, a multifaceted perspective set, and prudence will get you to places where mere technological know-how will never be able to.



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